Tuesday 26 October 2010

Where it all starts!

Before I start I should probably introduce myself. My name is Matthew Bowes I am 20 years old (at the moment) and writing is a passion of mine, as it has been for a good few years now. I like exploring the truths about things that, generally, are only explored by rich lunatics, or poor lunatics funded by rich lunatics.... you get the idea.

As it stands, finding a place to start is, difficult to say the least. There are so many different questions that we all have about the world that just don't get explained to us well enough, usually of course, because we are just not meant to know. I won't just be blogging about life's unanswered questions (which will in all honesty, remain for the most part, unanswered) I will also be blogging about, well, life in general, my experiences and the experiences of people I know scrawled on the screen in my often clumsy writing style. In a hope to put a smile on your face while at the same time filling in the gaps that just don' get filled during your day to day life, be that at work, school, college, University or many of the other occupations that this wonderful World considers worthy of the title 'Job'.
